Thursday 1 December 2011

'Skins' - Mise-En-Scene Example: How is Age Represented?

The mise-en-scene of the protagonist's bedroom challenges and conforms to stereotypical views about youth culture. The establishing shot suggests that the series targets a teenage audience and it will follow the life and experiences of a teenager. The duvet cover shown is of a double bed with a naked man and woman, suggesting that this age group is sexually charged. The protagonist is positioned in the middle of the two bodies suggesting that he is sexually inexperienced. It could also be suggesting that he is alone and confused about his sexuality, which conforms to teenage stereotypes. In this shot, natural lighting is used to give a sense of realism so the teenage audience identifies with the life of the protagonist.

A way in which the mise-en-scene challenges the stereotypical view of teenagers is through the protagonist's tidy and simple bedroom, as teenagers are usually stereotyped as being messy. An example that backs up the fact that stereotypes of teenagers is challenged is how the protagonist's draws are organised and neat, portraying that he likes a sense of order. This makes the audience's view of this age group change as they realise that he is different compared to other teenagers. 

However, teenagers' stereotypical view is conformed as the protagonist is contrasted with another character who is assumed to be his sister. She appears in the sequence not well-groomed as she's dressed in clothes from the night before and her make-up is smudged. In this way, a rebellious side of teenagers is shown as she sneaks in. Therefore, this character acts as a binary opposite against the protagonist.